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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ella's Kitchen Review & Giveaway!

How many of you have children that kick and scream at the thought of eating vegetables? Does your child think that gummi fruits are part of the four food groups? I am happy to report that there may be an answer to your problem. I was fortunate enough to be able to review Ella’s Kitchen Organic Baby Food and my 18 month old daughter could not get enough of it. Ella’s Kitchen was established by Paul Lindley, who wanted his daughter to not only know how to eat healthy, but that it could be fun as well.

Ella’s Kitchen offers a variety of 100% organic fruit and vegetable purees in easy to handle squeezable pouches. My daughter sampled a number of their products, such as Carrots, Apples & Parsnips, Broccoli, Pears & Peas, and Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Apples & Blueberries. Knowing how she loved sweet potatoes, I offered these to her first. She was immediately intrigued by the pouch and after showing her how to use it, she was sipping the puree like a pro. Needless to say, that packet was empty within two minutes. This could be good, I thought to myself.

As the week progressed, she actually began to clap when she saw the pouches approaching. We had them with breakfast, she snacked on one as we walked the lake, and also enjoyed one in her car seat while running errands. I am so thrilled to have found Ella’s Kitchen. I would recommend Ella’s Kitchen without a moment’s hesitation. My daughter looks forward to having Ella’s items and I feel great giving them to her. As much as I love offering her cereal or crackers to munch on for a snack, I am beyond happy to know that now I can give her fruits and vegetables by simply taking a pouch out of my pantry or diaper bag.

To try Ella’s Kitchen for yourself, visit them at: Ella's Kitchen . Ella's Kitchen is now available at the following MA Target Stores: Worcester, Seekonk, Westborough,  Hadley, Revere, Leominster, Bedford and Haverhill.

Become a fan on Ella's Kitchen on Facebook by visiting: Ella's Kitchen Facebook page

GIVEAWAY: Ella's Kitchen has been kind enough to offer a Gift Pack to one of our MommiesInMind readers!  To Enter, simply leave a comment with your email address to this post.  Contest closes at midnight EST on April 6th.  The winner will be notified on April 7, 2010


  1. I'd love to try these!! They sound awesome.

  2. I think my girls would dig these!

  3. Sounds perfect. YellowTennessee@yahoo.com

  4. They sound yummy, something my girls would def love!

  5. Yummy! elizabeth.stank@gmail.com

  6. Yes please!


  7. I love this product and am so glad you are getting the word out about them. It is the only way I can get my daughter to eat a variety of veggies. I mean, she will now eat parsnips! Who knew?!

  8. Kristen_poole@hotmail.com

    It sounds great!

  9. Love these!


  10. sgbittel@yahoo.com
    My grandson would love these!

  11. I didn't realize you could "drink" them. I'll def being checking them out!

  12. My daughter would love these!!

  13. One of our absolute favorite baby food secrets. We were living in London when my son was first starting solids and when we moved back to the US I was so upset to leave these behind. Imagine my surprise when a few months later I found them over here! Such a wonderful product.

  14. I love Ella's! My 17 month old daughter still "drinks" them right out of the pouch. When she was younger we used to just squirt some into her mouth (never had to use a spoon...so great when on the go!). By far my favorite baby food "discovery".



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