It is free to sign up for
AmazonMOM. Membership is available to parents and other persons responsible for caring for a baby or young child. To sign up for and use Amazon Mom, you must have an account and tell us if you are a Mom, Dad, or other Caregiver.
As a member you get...
30% off select diapers and wipes: normally you get 15% when you subscribe & save, but Amazon Moms get an extra 15% discount for a total of 30% off!
Free Amazon Prime Membership for 3 months: that means you get free 2-day shipping for 3 months on thousands of items – if you buy $25 or more from the Baby Store (in a single order) you get an extra free month of Amazon Prime, up to one free year (but everyone gets the free 3 months without buying anything from the Baby Store)